
Displaying 41 - 45 results of 45 for ""

Research Report 270 Implications of selected urban road tolling policies for New Zealand

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Over recent years, interest has been increasing, in New Zealand and internationally, in the application of tolling policies to contribute to the funding of major new road infrastructure projects in larger urban areas.

Research Report 378 Climate change effects on the land transport network

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This two-stage project (undertaken in 2008/2009) aims to identify and assess the impacts climate change may have on New Zealand’s land transport networks (road, rail, ports and coastal shipping), and provides recommendations, including adaptation opt…

Research Report 275 Application of strategic environmental assessment to regional land transport strategies

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This report has been prepared to identify opportunities for the use of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in the preparation of regional land transport strategies (RLTSs).

Research Report 333 Integrating land use and transport planning

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Over the last decade, the integration of land use and transport has gained increasing international attention.

Research Report 311 Energy risk to activity systems as a function of urban form

Category: Sustainable land transport , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This project aimed to develop analytical methods for assessing energy risks due to a peak and decline in global oil production.