NOTE: This consultation was held under the 2022 version of the Setting of Speed Limits Rule, as part of the provisions that enabled RCAs to consult on Interim Speed Management Plans (SMPs) in between the three yearly regional SMPs. Following the consultation, the Minister of Transport announced that work was underway to develop a new Land Transport Rule for setting speed limits. In anticipation of the new Rule, we paused work on our speed management plans.

The new Rule was released in 2024 and confirmed that any in-progress SMP plans that were not in the register and implemented at 30 October 2024 could not proceed and would need to be revisited in the future, if NZTA is satisfied that they align with the future direction and requirements of the new Rule.

Read more about the new Rule and its requirements for future speed reviews

The information below has therefore been kept as a record of the full 2022 consultation.

Proposed speed limits in Manawatū-Whanganui

Following our analysis and conversations with partners, interested groups and organisations, we propose the following new speed limits:

Speed limit map

Map showing locations of proposed speed limit changes in Manawatū and Whanganui

View larger map and speed limit tables [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Speed limit tables 

  • Speed limits around schools
    State highway School Existing speed limit (km/h) Proposed new speed limit (km/h)
    1 Mangaweka School 70 70/30*
    1 Oroua Downs School 100 100/≤60*
    1 St Mary’s School (Foxton) 50 50/30*
    1 Poroutawhao School 100 100/≤60*
    1/3 Sanson School 50 50/30*
    2 Huia Range School 50 50/30*
    2 Woodville School 50 50/30*
    2 Mangatainoka School 70 70/30*
    2 Pahiatua School 50 50/30*
    3 Kai Iwi School 100 100/≤60*
    3 Whanganui High School 50 50/30*
    3 St George’s School 50 50/30*
    3 Whanganui Collegiate School 50 50/30*
    3 Carlton School 50 50/30*
    3 Turakina School 70 70/30*
    3 Bulls School 50 50/30*
    3 Newbury School 100 100/≤60*
    3 Queen Elizabeth College 50 50/30*
    3 Palmerston North Boys’ High 50 50/30*
    3 Central Normal School 50 50/30*
    4 Taumarunui Primary School 50 50/30*
    4 Manunui School 70 70/30*
    4 Kakatahi School 100 100/≤60*
    4 Aberfeldy School 100 100/≤60*
    4 Ūpokongaro School 70 40/30*
    4 Whanganui Girls’ College 50 50/30*
    43 Marco School 100 100/≤60*
    54 Hato Paora College 100 100/≤60*
    56 Longburn School 70 70/30*
    56 Ōpiki School 80 80/30*
    57 Aokautere School 80 80/≤60*
    57 Turitea School 100 100/≤60*
    57 Tokomaru School 50 50/30*
    57 Shannon School 50 50/30*
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  • Other speed limits
    State highway Reference number (refer to map) Location Description Existing speed limit (km/h) Proposed new speed limit (km/h)
    4 1 Ūpokongaro urban Ūpokongaro village urban area (north of Whanganui) 70 40
    57 1 SH57/SH56 intersection speed zone (ISZ) On SH57, approaching intersection with SH56 100 100/60*
    57 2 Heatherlea East Road to Shannon South Shannon to Heatherlea East Road 100 90
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Have your say

Consultation on the Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan closed on 12 December 2022. 

View the latest update on this plan