Summary of Changes from old to new feeds

  • Camera
    • added thumbUrl that points to the cameras thumbnail path on the ATWS server
    • all URL's (imageUrl, thumbUrl, viewUrl) are now all relative and not absolute
    • added region
    • added group
    • added latLong
    • added direction
    • removed mapX (was used for pixel-based positioning of camera icons on the static map of the old site)
    • removed mapY (was used for pixel-based positioning of camera icons on the static map of the old site)
  • CongestionLocation
    • added startLat
    • added startLon
    • added endLat
    • added endLon
    • removed mapXoffset (was used for pixel-based positioning of camera icons on the static map of the old site)
    • removed mapYoffset (was used for pixel-based positioning of camera icons on the static map of the old site)
  • Sign
    • added latLong
    • removed mapx
    • removed mapy
  • SSDF -further information on the SSDF 6 page

New IC2 Feed WSDL URLs



Getting Started: What is the Auckland Traffic API?

The Auckland Traffic API lets you access real time data on traffic conditions in Auckland. The API makes available three sets of data:

  1. Traffic Congestion: This is a list of locations on the Auckland Highway Network, with the congestion status of each location. This is the same information which is used to produce the coloured map links on the Auckland Traffic Website.
  2. Signs: This is a list of Variable Message Signs deployed in the Auckland area, and any messages that are currently being displayed on them. This is the same information used to produce the VMS overlay on the Auckland Traffic Website.
  3. Camera List: This service enumerates the cameras made available through the Auckland Traffic Website, providing the camera name, id, online/offline status, and the URLs which can be used to obtain the camera image.

Quick Start Guide

These are REST XML services. Access to the REST XML services is restricted requires a username and password to be supplied as custom HTTP headers. You will need to register for a user name and password.
(external link)
	User-Agent: Custom Application
	username: Your API Username
	password: Your API Password

To preview the services, we would recommend using a tool such as cURL(external link).

	curl -k -H "username: Your API Username" -H "password: Your API Password"

Alternatively, you can install the Tamper Data(external link) plug-in for the Firefox web browser, which will allow you to add the custom HTTP header variables for the username and password to the request, so that you view the XML in your browser.