Using low-powered vehicles – including e-scooters

There is a range of low-powered vehicles in New Zealand that are used for travel or recreation, including e-scooters, e-bikes and mobility devices. There are also unpowered devices such as skateboards, scooters and skates.

While these vehicles and devices offer the benefit of increased mobility, there can also be an increased safety risk on and around the road, for you and others, if not used in a safe and considerate manner.

How to stay safe when riding an electric scooter or e-scooter

  • Always ride in a safe and considerate manner, including giving way to pedestrians and mobility devices.
  • Ride at a safe speed that does not pose a hazard to yourself or others. 
  • Be aware that cyclists, other road users and pedestrians may not hear you approaching.
  • If you use the road rather than the footpath, keep as far to the left as you can for your own and others’ safety.
  • We strongly recommend that e-scooter riders wear helmets. 

Read more about our public information campaign that aims to bring about awareness of key road safety messages for e-scooter use on footpaths

Safety tips on using scooters, skateboards and skates

View the New Zealand road code for more information on using mobility and wheeled recreational devices.

Find out more about the technical requirements of low-powered vehicles – such as e-scooters - and where they can be ridden.