Ruakura Road will close to through traffic over three days in mid-July while bridge beams are lifted on to the new East Coast Main Trunk Rail Bridge.
The East Coast Main Trunk Rail Bridge is one of the first bridges to be built on the Hamilton section of the Waikato Expressway.
This work is part of the Waikato Expressway Hamilton Section project.
Ruakura Road will close between Percival Road and Holland Road on Saturday 15, Sunday 16 and Monday 17 July from 6am to 7pm. It will be open overnight.
Beams up to 31m long and weighing 51 tonnes will be transported from their manufacturing base in Auckland and then lifted into place on the bridge by two large cranes.
NZ Transport Agency Highways Manager Karen Boyt said the closure would ensure public safety.
“The closure is being held on a Saturday, Sunday and Monday during the school holidays when traffic volumes are relatively low, so disruption to traffic will be minimised,” Ms Boyt said.
Ruakura residents would still be able to get to and from their homes during the closure and beam placement will stop when trains are travelling through the site.
SH26 Morrinsville Road will be the alternative route while Ruakura Road is closed.
The East Coast Main Trunk Rail Bridge is one of the first bridges to be built on the Hamilton Section. Next summer it will provide access north and south for trucks moving sand to build new expressway embankments.
The Hamilton Section project will reduce traffic congestion, improve safety, reduce travel times and boost economic growth in the Waikato.