Save time, renew your rego online


The NZ Transport Agency is encouraging owners of the 1.2 million vehicles with a rego expiring in July to save money and take advantage of new and easier to use on-line payment channels.

With the ACC levy portion of a vehicle licence (rego) going down by between $40 and $170 on 1 July, many vehicle owners have heeded advice from the Transport Agency and ACC and have timed their rego to expire in July.

The levy reduction is part of ACC’s new levy rating process - vehicle risk ratings for light passenger vehicles – which means that owners will pay levies in relation to the injury risk of their vehicle.

“It’s great to see so many people have listened to our advice and chosen to renew their rego through to July” said Robyn Elston, National Manager Delivery.

“When the time comes to renew your rego in July, we recommend you visit link)” said Mrs Elston.

“We want to make it easier for people to do business with us, and we’ve just completed a significant upgrade to our online services. It’s now even easier to use - it’s much better looking, more user friendly and easier to navigate.

“We’re open 24/7 and now that it’s optimised to work on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers you can literally renew whenever or wherever is convenient for you.

“With a lower transaction fee, and the added convenience of being able to use a credit card, renewing online really is the way to go”.

The Transport Agency’s online services aren’t just limited to rego renewals. You can do everything from buying more road user charges (RUC), to booking a practical driver licence test or letting the Transport Agency know you’ve sold or bought a vehicle.

The Transport Agency collects the motor vehicle levy on behalf of ACC as part of vehicle licensing (commonly referred to as rego).  The two agencies have been working together over the last six months to ensure as many vehicle owners as possible are aware of the change.

Vehicle licensing is the regular process – at least annually - through which you pay a fee to use your vehicle on public roads. The fee is made up of the ACC motor vehicle levy and a licensing fee which the Transport Agency uses to pay for roading projects and road safety programmes.

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To renew you rego online visit link)

The upcoming motor vehicle levy reduction is part of ACC’s new levy rating process - vehicle risk ratings for light passenger vehicles – which means that owners will pay levies in relation to the injury risk of their vehicle.  Visit link) for more information.

To find out how much your rego will be after 1 July, visit link)
