The NZ Transport Agency’s West Coast Network Outcomes Contractor Fulton Hogan has three short-term bridge repair projects to do in coming days on the West Coast (SH6) and on SH73, near Arthur’s Pass.
The projects are occurring consecutively over several nights from 31 January to the early hours of 5 February to ensure minimal delays on State Highway 73.
NZ Transport Agency Journey Manager Lee Wright thanked all drivers and road users for being patient on these routes for the maintenance work over the summer.
For information about road works in your area and across the country you can go online and visit the Transport Agency’s Summer Journeys website(external link), phone 0800 444 449, or follow the Transport Agency on Facebook or Twitter.
The Taramakau road-rail Bridge, between Kumara Junction and Greymouth, had potholes mended a week ago and will be milled, ready for sealing, largely overnight 31 January – 1 February.
Detour: Drivers can avoid the bridge delay by taking the Lake Brunner route between Greymouth and Jacksons on SH73.
Around Brunner Cycle Race will affect Taramakau Bridge traffic briefly Saturday morning, 30 January
The Around Brunner Cycle Race(external link) on Saturday, 30 January, will have up to 15 minute delays on the Taramakau Bridge between 8.15am and 9am to allow the cyclists to cross. Drivers can expect a closure of about 15 minutes for the main bunch, then manual traffic control for the next twenty minutes or so.
Repair work at the Taipo River Bridge, 13 kilometres west of Jacksons, is planned for two nights in a row, Monday and Tuesday nights, 1/2 February and 2/3 February, 10 pm to 5 am.
Repair work at Rough Creek Bridge is planned for two nights in a row – Wednesday and Thursday nights, 3/4 and 4/5 February, 10 pm to 5 am.
Taipo River Bridge, 2014, photo courtesy IPENZ web pages(external link).