The NZ Transport Agency’s Aspiring Highways team is preparing to start work at the single lane Luggate Red Bridge, SH8A, from next week, 6 May, for six weeks.
NB: Please note updated closure times from 13 May
The bridge will initially be closed to all traffic during this six-week period on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm. It will be open overnight after 7 pm through to the following morning at 9 am and open every weekend.
From Monday 13 May, the new bridge closure times will be from 9am to 6pm on week days. During the closure times road users are advised to use the alternative route via Camphill Road, Kane Road, SH8A and SH6.
The works are required for maintenance, strengthening and safety reasons. Safety rails will be installed on the bridge to protect road users.
Luggate Red Bridge, SH8A, at marker. Alternative route for most of May on weekdays and part of June, 2019, shown in red
The bridge will be open all day and night to traffic on weekends (7 pm Friday through to 9 am Monday, and from 6 pm Fridays from 17 May).
The Luggate Red Bridge, SH8A.
“As the Luggate Red Bridge will be closed for the duration of the works, except for the openings in the mornings and overnight and on weekends, people’s usual journeys will be affected. We acknowledge this will be inconvenient and we recommend that road users plan ahead,” says Mark Stewart, Maintenance Contract Manager, NZ Transport Agency.
To stay informed about these works the Transport Agency encourages people to check the web page (external link)
The Transport Agency thanks everyone for their patience and for taking care while travelling in the area during the works and around road crews.
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