As part of the shared path being constructed to Port Chalmers on SH88, crews will be completing the realignment of the main trunk rail line between St Leonards Boat Club and Curles Point all this weekend and again at the end of April.
As part of the shared path being constructed to Port Chalmers on SH88, crews will be completing the realignment of the main trunk rail line between St Leonards Boat Club and Curles Point all this weekend and again at the end of April.
The first stages of realigning the rail line to accommodate the shared walking and cycling path were started last year.
“From the weekend starting Saturday, 2 April, we plan to finish this realignment work,” says Jason Forbes, Senior Project Manager for Waka Kotahi. “To minimise disruption to train schedules on the main trunk line, this work must be carried out over weekends for periods of up to 55 hours.”
The rail bridge, above, where much of the work is taking place over two weekends with the track getting a new alignment
This 24 hour a day weekend work is scheduled for the first and last weekend in April (unless disrupted by extreme weather).
The work will be within and next to the rail corridor, St Leonards Boat Club to Curles Point and at the stockpile location at Sawyers Bay (see maps below), 24 hours a day over these two weekend periods:
People who use SH88 should be ready for single lane closures over a 1 km stretch during these two weekends so please add in five minutes to your journey for these short delays, says Mr Forbes.
People who live along this stretch of highway will still be able to get in and out of their properties.
Waka Kotahi thanks everyone for taking care around crews and other road users over the two weekends.