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Appendix 2: Survey forms

Pedestrian platform questionnaire, 1999

Road controlling authority _________________________

Person(s) interviewed ____________________________

Contact phone no. _______________ Date____________

Interviewer ________________________

For the purposes of this survey a pedestrian platform is defined as a section or area of roadway specifically textured or raised to slow vehicles and intended to provide a crossing point for pedestrians. A pedestrian platform can be part of an intersection threshold or a mid-block treatment and may or may not include standard pedestrian crossing markings and signs. Specifically textured sections may be flush (<20mm above road) or raised.


  1. How many pedestrian platforms are there in your area ? (Local authorities to exclude those on state highways)
    Estimate if actual numbers not known.
         Estimate   Actual
    Mid-block    __________
    Intersection __________
  1. How many have been (a) installed or (b) modified since the publication of the LTSA Traffic Note 2 Platforms as Crossing Points - Guidelines (June 1998)?
    (a) Installed                          (b) Modified
          Mid-block ____________  Mid-block ____________
          Intersection __________  Intersection __________
  1. How many of the pedestrian platforms include full pedestrian crossing signs and markings (as per TR11 or Traffic Regulations 1976)?
    (estimate percentage if numbers not known, circle No. or % as appropriate)
    Mid-block ____________ No. / %
    Intersection __________ No. / %
  1. Please estimate the percentage of your pedestrian platforms that do not comply with Traffic Note 2 because:
    1. the platform surface is not significantly different in colour and/or texture from the footpath  _____ %
    2. there are no kerb lines or other form of demarcation such as bollards where the footpath and platform join _____ %
    3. parallel stripes of contrasting coloured paving have been installed for decorative reasons without full pedestrian crossing signs and markings     _____ %
    4. full pedestrian signs and markings are installed but a jagged or saw-toothed pattern of contrasting paving has been used to define the edges of the parallel stripes     _____ %
    What percentage of your pedestrian platforms are included in a to d above (ie what percentage do not comply with Traffic Note 2)     _____ %
  1. Have you modified or removed pedestrian platforms due to design faults or public dissatisfaction?       Yes / No

    If Yes please show how many and briefly state reasons

  1. Are you aware of any crashes occurring at any of your pedestrian platforms?       Yes / No

    If yes were these reported (TCR) crashes?       Yes / No / Not sure

What criteria do you have for installing pedestrian platforms? (eg local demand for crossing point, replacement of pedestrian crossing, part of traffic calming scheme). Please describe and attach a copy of any documented policies or procedures you use
  1. List any standards or guidelines you have adopted or prepared for installing pedestrian platforms (please attach a copy)
  1. How many of the pedestrian platforms are part of a local area traffic calming scheme (LATM) and how many are isolated treatments?
    A. LATM (part) _____ B. Isolated Treatment _____
  1. Estimate the percentage of your pedestrian platforms that are

    (a) Flat Platform with ramp ____ %

    or (b) Hump style platform _____%

    or (c) Flush textured (<20mm) _____ %

  1. a) What are the typical, minimum and maximum dimensions you use for pedestrian platforms? Please show below in accordance with the diagram.
                                                                                            Typical    Min    Max
K1 (K2) Kerb extension
(offset from standard kerb line)   __________
RW Road width kerb to kerb at platform __________
PW Platform width (length along road)   __________
PR Platform ramp length (for flat platform type only) ______
PH Platform height above roadway  __________
OS Intersection off set for intersection platforms)  __________


(start of platform from intersection kerb line)


(b) State any reasons or criteria for adopting these dimensions
  1. Have you installed central refuge islands at pedestrian platforms? Yes/No
    If Yes please state reasons or criteria for including central refuge islands
  1. Have you installed any special features or provisions for cyclists at pedestrian platforms? Yes / No

    If Yes please briefly describe features used


  1. (a) Please describe the colour combinations you have used at platforms
    Platform Colour  Ramp Colour  Footpath Colour  Roadway Colour
    (if different to platform)



    (b) Have you adopted a standard colour combination? Yes / No
    If Yes please circle the appropriate line number above to show the adopted standard colour combination.

  1. What form of demarcation have you used where the footpath and the platform join? State how many of each form (or estimate % with each form).
    Kerb lines continued        Yes / No       Number _____
    Bollards                          Yes / No       Number _____
    Signs or markings           Yes / No       Number _____
    Please describe signs/markings
    Other (please detail)
  1. Do you have any standard for delineating or marking the ramp end of the platform to warn motorists of change in road profile? Yes/No
    If Yes please describe
  1. What standard(s) have you used for lighting at pedestrian platforms?
  1. What warning signs have you installed for motorists approaching a pedestrian platform?
  1. Do you have any "standard" or consistent features for pedestrian platforms not included in any of the above questions? If yes please state what they are.
  1. Any general comments about pedestrian platforms or suggestions on ways the LTSA could help in relation to pedestrian platforms?