Bad weather over the weekend, caused unexpected traffic hold ups during first of two planned 12 hour overnight closures of the Taramakau Bridge on State Highway 6 near Greymouth.
The Transport Agency expects to start work from next week to improve the braking performance on State highway 6 (SH6) immediately south of Winton that currently has temporary speed restrictions in place.
The Transport Agency says motorist should plan for minor delays at the SH8 Clutha River Alexandra Bridge from Wednesday 10 June, so critical welding of new steel strengthening beams below the bridge can be finished.
A new assessment based on recently updated traffic modelling shows the site chosen for the new two-lane Kawarau Falls Bridge on State highway 6 (SH6) near Frankton is the best location for the bridge.
The Transport Agency says it now has one northbound and one southbound lane on operating SH1 between Saddle Hill and Lookout Point in Dunedin, after they were affected by major flooding earlier today.
The Transport Agency says if people don’t have to travel today they should stay put, with flooding continuing to worsen on many local roads and highways in and around Dunedin.
The closures are necessary so safety improvement work can carried out be on the entrances to the bridge, including the installation of rubber mats on the bridge approaches to improve safety for both motorcyclists and cyclists.