7 September 2021

‘Create The Vibe’ has given Thames an attractive, town square-style space where residents and visitors can gather.

A colourful pop-up plaza in the heart of Thames, Create The Vibe was launched in March 2021 in response to a community desire to have a place to come together.

The result is a village green of artificial turf filling half a block of Mary Street, protected from traffic by vintage-look bollards and charming concrete planters painted with local plants and animals.

Artificial turf with bean bags, festive string lights and people gathered in the middle.

It’s a welcoming space for all ages and abilities, with purpose-built picnic tables that are wheelchair-accessible and provide comfortable seating for older visitors.

Multi-level wooden structures featuring tiny herb gardens attract a younger crowd. These locally made seats cleverly incorporate weatherproof storage for wooden games, bean bags and umbrellas.

Overhead, festive strings of lights set the stage for day-to-night events.

This attractive space has already hosted several successful events, including a lively launch party, fundraiser food stalls, school activities and booths for the annual Beach Hop.

Create The Vibe also links in well with its neighbours. Wall-sized murals brighten the surrounding buildings, wooden planters create footpath dining space for the café next door and a bike repair station and bike parking have been added next to the nearby bus station.

This pop-up town square is a success, but that doesn’t mean it won’t keep improving. Weekly drop-in sessions at the container hub give locals a chance to share ideas for how this space could evolve in the future.

This project was designed and managed by Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC) and funded by TCDC with support from Waka Kotahi as part of the Innovating Streets Programme.

As part of the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme, $30 million will be invested on a range of new Innovating Streets community projects across the country.

Innovating Streets Programme
2021–24 NLTP Waikato regional summary
