An intersection with roundabout and traffic on the roads.

Project introduction

The Eastern Corridor – Stage Two project includes the section of SH30/Te Ngae Road from Iles Road to Rotorua Airport. We are addressing safety and connectivity, while accommodating for future growth and providing better travel choices. The upgrades will be completed in three phases.

  • Estimated project cost

    $35 million for Phase One
  • Project type

    Road improvements, Safety improvements, Walking and cycling
  • Project status


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He aha rā? Kaupapa – what's happening

Construction of Phase One (most of the works between Iles Road and Coulter Road), addressing safety and connectivity is underway.

The upgrades between Iles and Coulter roads will commence in three consecutive work zones to minimise impact on people travelling in the area:

  • Zone 1: Iles to Basley roads.
  • Zone 2: Basley to Ōwhata roads.
  • Zone 3: Ōwhata to Coulter roads.

Phase One received $35 million from the Government’s Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) funding for construction to support growth and development in eastern Rotorua – with a focus on the Wharenui Road area.

Tirohanga whānui kaupapa – project overview

The SH30 Eastern Corridor Stage Two project involves the section of SH30/Te Ngae Road from Iles Road to Rotorua Airport.

We are addressing safety and connectivity on the corridor, while accommodating for future growth and providing people with better travel choices.

These improvements will be constructed in three phases and include:

  • Upgrades to key intersections such as Wharenui Road, Ōwhata Road, Basely Road, Brent Road, Lee/Gee roads, and Rotorua Airport/Eastgate Business Park.
  • Walking and cycling improvements such as a new three-metre-wide shared path and separate on-road cycle lane.
  • Four-laning of SH30 sections.
  • Safety improvements such as new pedestrian crossings and safety treatments at intersections.

Wātaka kaupapa – project timeline

  • Underway – Construction of Phase One improvements.
  • 2024 – Phase One upgrade completed.
  • Future – Phases Two and Three will be dictated by the growth and development of Rotorua. Both phases are currently unfunded.

This project is part of the Connect Rotorua programme of work, in partnership with Rotorua Lakes Council, to futureproof two of the city’s key transport networks: SH30/Te Ngae Road and SH30A/Amohau Street.

Connect Rotorua