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Research Note 009 Impact of half price public transport fares – a research note

Published: | Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

A survey run over three months up to August found that half price fares generated an additional 7% journeys on public transport, 1% were completely new, 3% came from car/taxi and 3% came from walking or cycling.

The main benefit identified by users was reduced concerns about the cost of transport and relief from the high cost of fuel for private vehicle travel.

There is evidence that half price fares helped mitigate their worries about travel costs and that those accessing PT networks are currently less likely to miss journeys due to expense. However, expense is not the only factor impacting mode choice.

Those switching from active modes weren’t as influenced by cost and there is evidence that, before half price fares and increases in fuel prices, private vehicles were being chosen in cases where they were more expensive in practice.

These results provide better evidence on the impact of fare changes as a public transport intervention and will be included in transport planning guidance to local government.

half-price, mode shift, patronage, public transport

Related report

Research Note 009A Impact of half-price public transport fares – a research note

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: November 2022
  • Reference: 009