
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 61 for ""

Becoming a child restraint technician (guide)

Category: Child restraints , Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Communities

This guide is for people who are considering becoming a child restraint technician (CRT) or looking to continue to be a registered assessor/trainer.

Supporting senior drivers

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Advice and assistance, Communities, General, Medical practitioners

This booklet gives tips for having conversations with senior drivers about driving and transport options.

Driving as a senior: a refresher on safe driving

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Advice and assistance, Communities, General, Total mobility transport users

If you’re over 60 and interested in how to keep up your safe driving skills, this booklet will help you.

Renewing your driver licence as a senior

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Advice and assistance, Communities, General, Motorists

This booklet has information on the process for renewing your driver licence as a senior.

Getting your motorcycle licence brochure

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Motorcyclists

Competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) provides an option when choosing how to get your motorcycle licence.

Safer winter driving

Category: Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: General

Some tips on how to prepare for and drive to the conditions before you’re on an icy, wet or snowbound road.

Driving in New Zealand

Category: Visitors & new residents , Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: General, Visitors & new residents

An overview for immigrants and visitors about driving in New Zealand.

Winter tyres

Category: Safe driving , Leaflets & brochures | Audience: Motorists

This leaflet gives advice to vehicle owners who have winter tyres fitted to their vehicles.

Biking in our towns and cities

Category: Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Advice and assistance, Communities, Course providers, General, Walkers & cyclists

This flyer takes you through some useful skills for riding your bike in towns and cities.

Rightcar for vehicle safety and environmental ratings

Category: Vehicle choices , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: General, Importers, Motorists, Vehicle traders

If you’re trading vehicles or have customers who may be interested in buying a vehicle you can display this poster.