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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi statement of performance expectations 2024/25

Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Our statement of performance expectations (SPE) provides a snapshot of what we will invest in and deliver over the year to achieve our 4 system outcomes: meeting current and future needs, effectively and efficiently moving people and freight, safe an…

Road Safety Partnership Programme (RSPP)

Category: Corporate publications | Audience: General

Every three years, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi prepares a Road Safety Partnership Programme (RSPP) in consultation with the NZ Police.

Chief executive's business expenses, gifts and hospitality disclosure

Category: CE's expenses , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency publishes spreadsheets outlining the business expenses incurred by our chief executive officer, as well as any gifts or hospitality given or received over the value of $100.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) 2024–27

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme is our commitment to a safe, accessible land transport system for New Zealand now and in the future.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) 2021–24

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Ngā Kaupapa Huarahi o Aotearoa – National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) represents our commitment to provide New Zealanders with a safe, accessible, efficient and connected transport system.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi quarterly report

Category: Quarterly reports , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Each quarter we report on our progress toward delivering the commitments set out in our statement of performance expectations.

Rail Network Investment Programme annual reports

Category: Annual reports , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The Land Transport Management Act requires NZTA to monitor the delivery of approved activities in the Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP).

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi statement of performance expectations – main index

Category: Statements of performance expectations , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Our statement of performance expectations (SPE) sets out how we will measure the financial and non-financial performance of the activities we deliver and invest in (output classes), and provides forecast financial statements.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency statement of intent 2021–2026

Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The vision of Te kāpehu, our new strategic direction, is of a land transport system that connects people, products and places for a thriving Aotearoa New Zealand.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Statement of intent 2024–2028

Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024/25–⁠2033/34 (GPS 2024) has been released, setting out the Government’s land transport strategy and priorities over the next 10 years.