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Published: July 2009
State highway forecasts
Corporate publications
| Audience:
Road controlling authorities
Transit NZ previously published an annual State highway plan and forecast, detailing planned state highway maintenance and capital improvements.
Published: December 2013
Corporate publications
| Audiences:
Rail participants
The rail action plan outlines the areas in rail safety that we will focus attention on over the next few years.
Published: April 2009
Cyclist skills training
Corporate publications
| Audiences:
Walkers & cyclists
A series of newsletters to update progress on the development of cyclist skills training in New Zealand.
Published: October 2013
Corporate publications
| Audience:
After a change of government or when a new Minister of Transport is appointed, a briefing document is written to help the Minister understand the key issues faced by the Transport Agency and our approach to them.
Published: April 2020
Corporate publications
| Audiences:
Heavy vehicle operators,
Taxi drivers & operators
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has the authority to approve an alternative means of recording matters (also known as electronic driver logbooks) relevant to monitoring work time.
Published: April 2013
Half year reports
Corporate publications
| Audience:
At the half way point of the 2012–13 year, the NZ Transport Agency prepared a report that details progress and provides insights on our key result areas, financial and service performance measures.
Published: June 2020
Statements of performance expectations
Corporate publications
| Audience:
This statement of performance expectations sets out how we will measure the financial and non-financial performance of the activities we deliver and invest in over 2020/21, and provides forecast financial statements.
Published: July 2022
Statements of performance expectations
Corporate publications
| Audience:
Our Statement of performance expectations sets out what we will deliver in 2022/23 to contribute to the commitments in our Statement of intent 2021-26, how we will measure performance for the services we deliver and the investments we make through th…
Published: October 2017
Annual reports
Corporate publications
| Audiences:
Local & regional government
The annual report records our achievements in pursuing the NZ Transport Agency's strategy to ensure delivery of the government's land transport objectives and wider transport vision.
Published: 27 August 2009
National Land Transport Programme (NLTP)
Corporate publications
| Audience:
Local & regional government
The Nelson region currently faces a number of transport-related issues, including: the need for efficient transport networks to support freight and tourism flows; a heavy reliance on private motor vehicles; and a number of safety-related concerns.