
Displaying 21 - 30 results of 945 for ""

General circulars

Part of the ‘General circulars’ resource.

Category: General circulars , Technical memoranda | Audience: General

General circulars are used by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to directly advise road controlling authorities and regional councils about relevant policy or programme management updates, or to communicate recent Board decisions.

DL26 Identity referee declaration

Category: Driver licensing , Forms | Audience: General

Use this form if you meet the requirements to be considered an acceptable identity referee (the requirements are listed on the form).

Land Transport Rule: Seatbelts and Seatbelt Anchorages 2002

Category: Seatbelts and seatbelt anchorages , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule states in which seating positions seatbelts must be fitted in vehicles, as well as the type of seatbelt that must be fitted.

Land Transport Rule: Passenger Service Vehicles 1999

Category: Passenger service vehicles , Land transport rules | Audience: General

This rule specifies the legal requirements for the design and construction of all passenger service vehicles in New Zealand.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) 2024–27

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme is our commitment to a safe, accessible land transport system for New Zealand now and in the future.

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) 2021–24

Category: National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) , Corporate publications | Audience: General

Ngā Kaupapa Huarahi o Aotearoa – National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) represents our commitment to provide New Zealanders with a safe, accessible, efficient and connected transport system.

Tourist signs on state highways - information and application form

Category: State highways , Forms , Leaflets & brochures | Audiences: Communities, General, Land owners

For owners of tourist establishments who would like to apply to have brown tourist signs on a state highway.

Research Report 728 Mode-shift impacts on safety

Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study examined the available research on the impact that shifting travel modes – from private motor vehicles to public transport, active travel modes and micro-mobility– can have on crash rates, and developed a model to enable different mode-shi…

Research Report 726 Assessing the relationship between the sustainability of urban form and transport in Aotearoa New Zealand

Category: Environmental sustainability , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Integrated transport and land-use planning is recognised as a critically important component of reducing transport emissions and creating an urban environment that achieves broader social, economic and environmental outcomes.