Waka Kotahi has lodged, under the Resource Management Act 1991, Notices of Requirement and applications for resource consents with Horizons and Greater Wellington Regional Councils and Horowhenua and Kāpiti Coast District Councils (the Councils). If approved, these applications reflect the key environmental approvals required for the project to be built.

Over the last few years Waka Kotahi, in partnership with Muaūpoko and hapū of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga have undertaken engagement with councils, stakeholders, road users and community to understand local insights and concerns, contributing to the shaping of the Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project (Ō2NL Project).

Note: private information relating to property owners has been redacted from these documents.

Non-technical summary

This document provides a non-technical summary of the documentation and assessments of effects on the environment that have been undertaken as part of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) regulatory process for the Ō2NL Project. It summarises a suite of technical reports that have been prepared to assess the impacts of the Ō2NL Project and which are provided elsewhere on this web page.

Non-technical summary – supporting information and assessment of effects on the environment [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Volume I: Notices of requirement for designation; applications for resource consents; and request for determination by the Environment Court

Volume II: Supporting information and Assessment of Effects on the Environment

Volume III: Drawings and Plans (updated December 2023)

Volume IV: Technical assessments

Volume V: Cultural impact assessments

Further information

The councils have requested further information about the RMA resource consent applications and notices of requirement and this is provided below:

Other technical information

A number of investigations have informed the development of the Ō2NL Project and these are provided on the technical reports page. These include the Detailed Business Case and Consideration of Alternatives Multi Criteria Assessments.

Ō2NL technical reports